Passed my Pet CPR Training!

American Red Cross has a plethora of CPR/First Aid training courses. Did you know they have one for Cat and Dog First Aid?!

Well as I was looking at the requirements for my future dog trainer and behavior consultant certifications, I found the pet cpr class by American Red Cross. I was making a list of costs anyways and continued to do some digging and I found they were offering the courses for $25 online. I paid my due and knocked it out.

Some if the information was familiar like what are mucous membranes and what color should they be. There was also lots of new information such as, how to check for heart beats, pulse, breathing, performing cpr on different breeds of dogs and cats, tips of seizures and more! Even if you don’t work with pets, I highly recommend it for pet owners as well. Never know when you might need to do the Heimlich maneuver on your furry companion. Your babies will be in very safe hands.


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